Return & Refund Policy
Return Policy
When you order a custom painting ,it is speciay designed and prepared tor you. We canot accept returns or exchanges.
If the return is caused by the consumer, consumer should be responsible for the shipping fee. The specific fee should be based on the express company you choose.
If due to our reasons, the goods received are damaged or not correct, and the consumer is not required to bear the shipping fee for this reason.
We are here to help, please feel free to submit a email if you have any issue with your order!
Order Cancellations and Changes
If you would like to cancel your order or make any changes, please contact us within 24 hours after placing the order. Due to the fact that all items are handmade to order, we don't accept cancellations or changes after 24 hours for any reason.
Damages and issues
Please inspect your order upon reception and contact us in 14 days if the item is defective, damaged or if you receive the wrong item, so that we can evaluate the issue and make it right.
No returns or exchanges for non-quality issues
- Products without sufficient proof of purchase
- Lost or stolen products
- Items that have expired their return period
- Non quality-related issues (after 30 days of purchase)
- Free products
- Repairs through 3rd parties
- Damage from outside sources
- Damage from misuse of products (including, but not limited to: falls,extreme temperatures, water, operating devices improperly)
Refunds (if applicable)
If you are approved, then your refund will be processed,and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment, within a certain amount of days.
Late or missing refunds (if applicable)
If you haven't received a refund yet, first check your bank account again.