✨Thank You for Helping! We’ve Donated 587 KG of Pet Food!✨ ✨Total Pet Food Donated: 587KG! Thanks to You!✨

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How it works


Upload your pet photo and place an order

Select the art style you like on our website, once done upload a close-up photo of your pet andplace your order. As soon as this is done, our artists will get to work creating your personalizedwork

We create a digital artwork based on your photo

Once we receive your order, our digital artists will get to work creating print previews of yourartwork. You will usually receive your preview within 2 business days.

You approve your digital preview

within 2 working days you will receive 3 previews of your artwork via email. lf you like one ofthese you can approve it and we will proceed to print it on canvas. Otherwise, if you are stillnot satisfied you can ask us to make changes and recreate your new artwork from scratch.

We print on the canvas and ship it to you

Once the digital work has been approved, within 48 hours it will be printed on canvas and thenshipped via the shipping method you selected. Once shipped, the work should usually arrive inabout a week.

Hang your canvas on the wall

Finally your canvas has arrived home and it's time to hang it on the wal. Take a photo of yourwork with your dog nearby and tag us on @nikocanvas, we will be happy to send you avoucher valid for your next purchase!
Follow us on Instagram at @nikocanvas